wandering amphibia

Random pics – winter trip

Wanted to share a few pictures from the winter trip we took down South. Since I was trying out a new camera (Canon EOS 6D), I tried to go out of my way to capture a few interesting shots, and I think I might have succeeded. Though as I tend to always feel afterwards, “probably accidentally”. Ah well.


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And even here, the 21st century Thinker has taken over the landscape.


I love how one man is working, and four are watching him work.


I suppose not EVERYONE was having fun…IMG_0123


I love being in a place where copyright is entirely optional, and guest satisfaction is the ultimate priority. Say hello to Michael Jackson – who set up a whole one-hour show to entertain the guests, complete with zombies for Thriller, and all that.


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As is the case with many (most?) of my photos, this one was almost accidental. I followed this bird with my camera, and didn’t even realise just how awesome this shot looked: click on the picture for more, but you can even see the drops of water falling from its wings. And the placement of the wings is particularly uplifting.


What trip would be complete without some sunrise shots?



Double rainbow. Couldn’t take a full picture (not enough wide angle on the camera), but it was complete. I’ve never seen this.


Local fauna.
